6 Things You Should Never Do as a CNA

CNAs are considered the backbone of nursing. These healthcare workers often provide the majority of hands-on patient care duties. Some people go into nursing for the money. Others have always been interested in caring for others. Regardless if you’re reasons for becoming a CNA, we all know how challenging nursing can be.. It is important … Read more

10 Things You’ll Always Find in a CNAs Pocket

I love my pockets. I carry all sorts of things in them: pens, band-aids, condoms (just kidding), iPhones and the list goes on! But if you ever have a chance to look inside your nurse’s scrubs pocket…well let me just say that it is what they call “the weirdest show” CNAs are good at carrying … Read more

Top 10 Best Apps for CNA

Nurses are not the only ones who need to stay on top of their game. CNA’s (Certified Nurses Assistants) often times have a lot more responsibility and work to do than nurses, with less time to get things done. This post will cover top ten apps that CNAs should be used in order to help … Read more

How to Deal with Lazy CNA Co-Workers

A healthcare professional in blue scrubs with a stethoscope looks up thoughtfully while sitting at a desk with papers and a pen, pondering how to deal with a lazy CNA.

You know that feeling when you just don’t want to work? You’re not alone. Most of us have those days, but most people snap out of it in a few minutes and realize they need the money. But some CNA’s refuse to do their jobs everyday for no good reason! These CNAs are just plain … Read more

Tips on Surviving 12 Hour Shift as a CNA

Working 12-hour shifts can be really tough on your body, but it’s like the best kind of punishment. On one hand, we love getting an extra day off out of our week by working more hours while at work; a sorta sick form of revenge for all those people who take days off whenever they … Read more