How to Deal with Lazy CNA Co-Workers

You know that feeling when you just don’t want to work? You’re not alone. Most of us have those days, but most people snap out of it in a few minutes and realize they need the money. But some CNA’s refuse to do their jobs everyday for no good reason!

These CNAs are just plain lazy. My days are crazy enough without the laziness that I see among some of my colleagues. CNAs should do their jobs and help out nurses when they’re running on empty!

It’s not just a work day for us, it’s every single minute we spend at this hospital juggling tasks so complicated even Einstein would have trouble figuring them out. But you know what? That doesn’t stop me from doing everything in my power to ensure patients’ well-being – because there is nothing more important than caring for others

I had a CNA once who was always missing from her shift. She would disappear for 30-minutes, every couple of hours and smoke outside or in the break room with all that time to spare! But she knew everyone on staff so it seemed okay for her to shun responsibilities and have other nurses take care of patients while she smoked herself into an early grave.

When I saw the laziness of this nurse, it angered me because she was getting paid about as much as a lazy-bum. There’s always at least one princess in every building who think they’re better than everyone else and need to go above them all day long! What on earth could you do with such an awful person? Thankfully there are some things that can be done if one were to come across someone like her.

1. Stop covering the lazy nurse

To make sure that you don’t end up being an enabler, start by refusing to cover for her. If she is in the habit of taking a lot of breaks and coming back when it suits her, just let them know politely that your are busy with your own work and can’t watch anyone else’s patients because they’re relying on you too much. Remember not to be rude or confrontational so people will listen but take care also not to come across as passive aggressive either!

2. Try to ignore their attempts to distract you

When you’re a nurse, the last thing you want to happen is for your co-workers to chat when they should be helping. When preparing patients’ medications, don’t hesitate to ask them politely if another time would work better and find a more private area away from distractions. You can also make it easier on yourself by getting these tasks completed before other things distract or take up your attention – which could lead down dangerous paths!

3. Give helpful advice and guidance, instead of doing the work

If you’re finding it hard to say no when someone asks for help, set limitations on how much assistance you can provide. You always want to be there and guide them in their tasks but never do the work for your co-nurses! Try setting up a schedule or organizing duties with another nurse so both of you have more time on hand.

4. Don’t let them change your attitude!

It’s so frustrating when your co-workers do nothing and you have to pick up after them! No matter how frustrated you get, don’t let it affect your attitude, especially in dealing with patients. Remember that if everyone is taking care of him or herself then there will be enough people for others as well! Don’t fall into the trap of following their lead by not keeping yourself hydrated during long hours on a shift together too – this can happen easily when chatting about life outside work which takes place frequently among coworkers.

5. Document her laziness

If everything else fails, Keep a record of when she takes breaks, and document her arrival time. This way you’ll have documentation to show your boss how frequently the nurse is missing from work. If you feel that it’s not appropriate for you to talk with this specific employee about their break habits then explain your concerns in private by asking for an appointment with management.

Let them know that ____missing too many times during every day shift___and ask if they are aware of any issues going on at the workplace because _____think there may be some underlying issue causing concern:

6. Address your complaint with documents

The problem should be addressed with human resources if it persists. If the charge nurse doesn’t handle this, then they can discuss it with your supervisor and try to convince them that you are at a breaking point for handling all of their responsibilities alone!

If you’re anxious to talk with your superiors, find someone else in the office who’s willing and has a similar complaint. This way you’ll have one another for support during this potentially difficult conversation!

No matter who you choose to speak with about a lazy nurse, it’s important to realize that you need to talk with someone because it may be hard enough for any worker without having the responsibility of covering others. Every staff member deserves equal treatment in the workplace and if this is not happening then action needs to happen now before things get worse!

Have you ever worked with a lazy CNA? I’ve had more than one occasion where they wouldn’t want to do any of their assigned tasks, and it’s really frustrating. What are your thoughts on this topic? Comment below!