Taking the CNA exam can be a daunting task. However, with our free CNA practice test, you’ll feel confident on the day of your exam! We have compiled over 60 questions with an allotted 60 minutes to ensure that every possible question is answered in this practice test.
You are able to take this quiz as many times as you need until it’s perfect and you know all answers by heart. Our practice test also contains an answer key so that once you’re done, you can check your answers and see where your weak points lie for future study time. Good luck!
This is a timed quiz. You will be given 60 seconds per question. Are you ready?
A client with Alzheimers wakes up more confused than usual one morning. The nursing assistant knows that, after breakfast, it is most important to support normal gastrointestinal tract function by:
Taking the client to the bathroom will most likely prompt a bowel movement, which supports GI tract health. A confused patient may not remember what the urge means.
Which of the following is a key part of care when administering a bath to a resident?
Allowing the resident to participate in care will raise their self esteem and allow autonomy. It is inappropriate to clean the perineal area before the face, or to use cool water rather than comfortably warm water.
The client asks the nursing assistant to assist her to cut her toenails. The nursing assistant knows this client has type two diabetes. Which of the following actions is best?
Diabetic clients often have special instructions regarding nail trimming. Check the chart for specific orders.
A client in the day room is having a panic attack. The nursing assistant should:
During a panic attack, the nursing assistant should make the client comfortable and encourage them to breathe slowly and deeply. Asking them to count backwards slowly from 100 can also be helpful. During an attack, the client is unable to talk about anxious situations and isn’t able to address uncomfortable feelings and frustrations. While having a panic attack, the client is also unable to focus on anything other than the symptoms, so the client won’t be able to discuss the cause of the attack.
Proper body mechanics when lifting clients involve which of the following?
Bending at the knees is the only proper body mechanic listed. Avoid doing all the others!
A client eats a bagel and one large glass of orange juice. What is the correct way to record the amount of juice?
The abbreviation of “cc” is no longer appropriate in the medical field. Only ‘ml’ should be used. A large glass is 480 ml.
A resident is choosing items for breakfast. Which of the following items contains the most amount of potassium?
Cantaloupe is a melon that contains massive amounts of potassium. Other foods that contain high potassium include bananas and dark leafy greens.
CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) should be performed when:
CPR is performed on a client that has no pulse and is not breathing.
When helping a client with left-sided weakness due to a CVA, the nursing assistant should position the client’s cane:
The nursing assistant should place the cane on the side that is the strongest so that it can support the weak side.
One of the patients on the unit is on airborne precautions due to suspected tuberculosis. To rule out the disease, the doctor has ordered sputum specimens to be collected. What is the best daily time for the nursing assistant to collect the specimens?
The sputum produced upon awakening is the most concentrated sputum and will yield the most accurate result.
A patient has just received news about the death of his spouse. He states to the nursing assistant, “I can’t believe this has happened to me. I don’t know what to do. How can I live without my wife?” The nursing assistant best responds by stating:
This is the best answer because it reflects what the patient is feeling (pain) and stays with the patient to comfort him.
The nursing assistant walks into a patient’s room and discovers him masturbating. Which of the following actions is correct?
Masturbation is a normal expression of sexual health. Attempt to exit quietly without disturbing the client in order to preserve his privacy and decency.
A resident is ordered to be in High Fowler position for each meal. Which of the following descriptions is the most accurate depiction of High Fowler position?
High Fowlers is a description of the patient sitting straight up in bed, meaning the bed itself has to be at a 90 degree angle to support them.
Before shaving a resident, the nursing assistant checks for which of the following items in the resident’s care plan?
It is necessary to check the shaving instructions in the resident’s plan of care to be aware of any problems clotting and the necessity of using an electric razor as opposed to a traditional one.
A client with a terminal illness tells the nurse that he has begun praying every night. The client states, “If I pray every night, God will forgive me.” This represents which stage of grief?
This patient is bargaining to be “forgiven” in order to cure his illness. This is a normal stage in the grieving process.
A patient is on bed rest, wearing anti-embolitic stockings. How often should the stockings be removed?
The nursing assistant knows that signs of hypoglycemia include which of the following?
Sweating, as well as confusion and tremors, are signs of hypoglycemia.
Which of the following options is the best method to prevent insomnia?
Walking and physical activity during the day promotes rest and well-being at night.
Incontinence means that the patient is
Incontinence is generally due to a medical problem. It is important to adhere to a bowel/ bladder training program.
The nursing assistant takes the temperature of an elderly client and finds it to be 100.6 degrees F. The client reports having just taken a sip of hot tea. Which of the following actions is appropriate?
Waiting fifteen minutes ensures the temperature of the mouth will be more accurate. Axillary temperatures in the elderly are often not the best measure.
Which of the following pulses will be most commonly used by a nursing assistant when acquiring vital signs?
The radial pulse is the most easily accessible location to take a pulse.
A nursing assistant enters a client’s room and finds a fire burning in a trashcan. The nursing assistant’s first action is to:
The acronym “RACE” is used for fire situations- Rescue, alarm, contain, extinguish. First you must rescue the client to prevent harm.
When a client constantly ignores the urge to void, the client is putting themselves in danger of what complication?
Incontinence can occur if the bladder becomes too full and is unrelieved.
A nursing assistant cares for a resident. Which of the following skin care measures are correct?
It is the duty of the nursing assistant to report any red pressure spots on the resident to the nurse. The nursing assistant may not apply any prescription ointments. Talcum powder is not recommended. A second staff member is not needed for perineal care.
The nursing assistant cares for a client who is extremely agitated. She yells, screams, and frequently tries to bite staff. The nursing assistant should:
Speaking calmly in a neutral manner can soothe an agitated client. Restraints are not appropriate for a client who is merely confused and can be placated.
Which of the following guidelines regarding residents who are hard of hearing would be considered correct?
Speaking slowly and clearly is the key to helping hard-of-hearing clients understand what you’re saying.
A walker may be used if the client can
A resident must be able to support some weight before using a walker.
What is the best way for a nursing assistant to prevent infection?
Frequent hand washing is the best way to prevent infection without a doubt. The other measures are supportive.
The nursing assistant knows that the term “NPO” means:
NPO is a latin abbreviation that stands for “nil per os” or “nothing by mouth.” It indicates that the client is not allowed food, fluids, or oral medications.
What type of client may opt to receive hospice care?
Terminally ill clients may receive hospice care, which is designed to relieve pain rather than to cure disease.
A patient is on a clear liquid diet. Which of the following is NOT allowed on this diet?
Orange juice with pulp is not allowed — the pulp is not considered part of “clear liquid.” Tea, coffee, and water are all allowed on the clear liquid diet.
Cheyne-Stokes respirations occur in a client who:
Cheyne-Stokes respirations are a breathing pattern marked by increased respirations, labored breathing, and periods of apnea (no breathing). It is important to report these signs if discovered in a resident who is not expected to show them.
The nursing assistant is helping residents to eat in the dining room when, suddenly, a resident stands from their seat and begins clutching their throat while coughing silently. The nursing assistant performs which of the following actions first?
It is important to first assess whether or not the resident is choking. If they are able to answer, air is still moving through the trachea. If they nod yes, but are unable to speak, it is time to begin the Heimlich maneuver. The Heimlich should not be performed on anyone who is able to cough or speak.
A client under the nursing assistant’s care suffers from chronic “foot drop”. The nursing assistant can expect to find which of the following devices in the client’s room?
The boots will ensure that the feet are dorsiflexed to prevent contractures and discomfort.
Fecal impaction may present with which of the following symptoms?
The watery leakage of stool around a blockage is the most specific sign of fecal impaction, also known as a bowel obstruction.
Which of the following aspects of care is important for a confused client?
Reorienting the patient frequently is the most important aspect of care. Keeping the client locked in their room could agitate them, as could asking them their name (which they might not remember).
The nursing assistant helps a patient who recently had a right-sided stroke to bathe. Which of the following describes the BEST method to support the patient’s independence?
It is best for the patient to perform as much of the bath as possible, with the nursing assistant helping out when necessary.
The nursing assistant knows that residents on bedrest must be turned every:
Residents on bedrest must be turned every 2 hours to maintain skin integrity.
The range of motion term “abduction” means:
To abduct is to move away, to adduct is to move closer or toward.
Which of the following is a correct aspect of making an occupied bed?
Lowering the bed to the lowest level is important for safety. Mitering the corners of sheets is recommended, as is raising side rails. Never place soiled linens on the floor.
Of the following symptoms, which one is most likely due to an infection in a resident?
Infection, especially in older clients, tends to cause sudden onset confusion. Tented skin may be normal for an older client, as could pale skin. Aphasia could indicate the onset of a stoke.
The nursing assistant prepares to give a patient a bed bath. Before turning the patient to rub their back, the nursing assistant notices that he has a Foley catheter in place. Where should the nursing assistant secure the catheter to ensure it is not pulled during the bath?
Securing the catheter to the lateral aspect of the patient’s thigh ensures it cannot be painfully pulled during the bath.
Which of the following would be a primary indication of hepatitis?
Jaundice, also known as yellowing of the skin, occurs frequently in cases of hepatitis (liver disease).
What protective equipment should be worn when changing an incontinent patient?
The nursing assistant should wear a gown and gloves at most as correct contact precautions.
Which of the following is an example of a pulse rate that should be reported to the nurse?
Any pulse outside the range of 60 to 100 should be reported immediately to the nurse for the resident’s safety.
Which of the following items is necessary in order to place a patient in restraints?
The physician needs to order restraints before they can be legally applied. No one else can ask for restraints for a patient or it is considered battery.
A client with a Foley catheter is ordered to ambulate twice daily. Before ambulating the client, the nursing assistant should:
Keeping the bag below the level of the cavity ensures that bacteria cannot migrate up from the bag and up into the bladder due to gravity.
Which of the following most addresses a client’s needs in regard to spirituality?
Support the client in their own individual religious needs. Treat any religious objects in their room with respect.
A client at the facility receives a new roommate. While the roommate is in the bathroom, the clients leans toward the nurse and whispers, “Why is she here anyway? Is she sick?” The best response by the nursing assistant is:
HIPPA requires you to keep client’s health information confidential. Period.
Dyspnea is a term that refers to difficulty with which of the following?
Dyspnea is a term that refers to difficulty with breathing.
A nursing assistant takes the blood pressure of a client and finds it to be 82/43. The client reports feeling dizzy. The nursing assistant should:
It is very important to report a symptomatic low blood pressure to the nurse for further investigation.
Which of the following pieces of assistive equipment would be most helpful in moving an immobile client from their bed to a chair?
A mechanical lift should be used for immobile or NWB residents. A gait belt should never be used on an immobile resident to lift them and should be used on individuals who are FWB or PWB.
A resident comes out of their room saying they have burned their leg after they dropped hot soup on it. The skin looks blistered and red. The nurse assistant knows this is a:
This describes a partial thickness burn. A total thickness burn appears waxy and white, while a superficial burn might be described as blotchiness of the skin with no blistering.
Which of the following types of grief is considered a normal and healthy part of grieving?
Anticipatory grief occurs before the loss actually happens and is a normal part of grieving. Complicated, unresolved, and inhibited grieving indicate there is a problem with recovering from the loss.
Which of the following statements is true about Alzheimer’s residents?
Maintaining a routine is incredibly important to Alzheimer’s patients. Hallucinations and a decrease in appetite are common. It is important to frequently reorient the patient.
Before dressing an ECF resident, the nurse aide should
Close the door to promote privacy.
A client who has not had a bowel movement in four days would receive the most benefit from which of the following procedures?
An enema will help the patient in expelling fecal matter before it can become impacted.
“Log-rolling” is a technique best used for which of the following patient diagnoses?
A SCI patient is prone to further damage and injury to the spinal cord if the legs cross over the midline (in a twisting motion). This can be avoided with proper log-rolling technique.
The nursing assistant should tell the nurse if the client with diabetes:
Someone with diabetes should always eat regular meals to keep their blood sugar relatively stable. Numbness in the feet is neuropathy, a common side effect of diabetes.
Which of the following residents is demonstrating orthopneic position?
Orthopneic position is meant to assist in breathing. Leaning forward makes it easier to get air into the lungs.