Free CNA Safety & Emergency Procedures Practice Test 2024

This is a free CNA practice test on safety and emergency procedures. the question pattern on the test is National Nurse Aide Assessment Program (NNAAP) standard and verified by experts. This test has 25 questions, in order to pass the practice test you have to correct at least 20 questions.

This is a timed quiz. You will be given 90 seconds per question. Are you ready?


A resident puts on her call light to let you know that there was bright red blood in her bowel movement. What should you do?

Correct! Wrong!

A sudden appearance of red or blood in a resident’s stool should be assessed. Although it could possibly be from diet or a hemorrhoid, it could also be a sign of internal bleeding. Notify the nurse to assess the situation and follow up with the resident’s doctor.

If you see a fire, your first action should be to

Correct! Wrong!

The nurse aide should be familiar with all fire safety policies and protocols. When a fire alarm sounds, all staff must respond to keep patients safe.

The most common cause of accidents in the home results from

Correct! Wrong!

According to the National Safety Council, falls are the number one cause of home accidents. For age 65 and older, falls are the first cause of injury-related deaths, including broken hips. Many falls can be prevented with simple measures, such as removing small rugs and clutter, and wiping up spills.

Safety measures to prevent accidental poisoning from medications include

Correct! Wrong!

Accidental poisoning from medications can be prevented, especially among children, who are at the highest risk. Medications are the leading reason for poisoning in children. About 95% of medication-related poisoning among children happens when medication is available and children are unsupervised. All adults are responsible for storing and dispensing medication safely. Always use childproof tops and keep medications in their original containers. Don’t take medications in front of children, who like to mimic adults. Never call medicine “candy.” When taking medications during the night, turn on the light to ensure the proper drug and dosage is being taken.

Mr. Francis complains of pain in the left chest area. The first thing you do is _________.

Correct! Wrong!

As a CNA, you may be the first health care professional to observe or hear a patient’s complaint. Always report it immediately to the nurse. Some patients may have nitroglycerin at their bedside, but you cannot administer it. Tell the nurse so they can evaluate the situation.

You arrive at the client’s home for care. She shows you a burn on her arm. It is blistered and client is complaining of severe pain. You should

Correct! Wrong!

A burn that develops blisters can be serious and should be evaluated if it covers a large area of more than 3 inches (7.6 cm). The client’s skin may appear red, white, or splotchy, with swelling. The client will also complain of severe pain. Do not break blisters. Call a supervisor for assistance.

The fire alarm has sounded. The nurse aide should FIRST

Correct! Wrong!

The nurse aide should be familiar with all fire safety policies and protocols. When a fire alarm sounds, all staff must respond to keep clients safe. Remember “R.A.C.E.” to quickly act. R = Rescue/Remove all people who can not take care of themselves. A = Alarm, if it has not already been done. Pulling the alarm can be done at the same time as rescue. C = Confine/Contain the fire or smoke by closing doors to prevent or slow the spread. Smoke is especially dangerous for everyone. E = Extinguish the fire if possible, using a handheld fire extinguisher. Attempt to extinguish only small fires, as long as you can remain safe and have an escape route.

If a diabetic resident develops symptoms of increased thirst and urination, blurred vision, weakness, and a fruity-smelling breath, what should the CNA do?

Correct! Wrong!

When a resident with diabetes exhibits signs and symptoms of high blood sugar (hyperglygemia), do not give additional sugar, such as orange juice or candy. Notify the nurse immediately, because the resident needs insulin. If the blood sugar is not lowered, ketoacidois—a serious complication of diabetes—can result. The CNA should be aware of which residents have diabetes, and what to look for regarding reactions.

A patient asks for an extra pat of butter from an aide who is unfamiliar with her. The aide should

Correct! Wrong!

Every patient has a diet plan that is specific for their medical condition. When working with a new or unfamiliar patient, always check the care plan or orders for the prescribed diet. If an item is not allowed, help the patient understand that there is a reason for the restriction. Ask the nurse to request that the dietician visit the patient to explain the diet.

Your home health client has a very cluttered home and is reluctant to throw away anything. Your main safety goal should be to _________.

Correct! Wrong!

As a home health care provider, your goal is to maintain a safe environment. Assess the area for potential hazards and act to minimize or eliminate them. You are not authorized to remove any items, so move them out of the way. The client’s health, safety and well-being are your priorities as a caregiver.

A patient suddenly has shortness of breath, followed by loud gasps for air. After calling for help, what should you do?

Correct! Wrong!

When a client is having difficulty breathing, Fowler’s position can provide relief. When sitting in Fowler’s position, the client is upright at 90 degrees, allowing the chest to expand as much as possible. Prone (on the abdomen), supine (on the back), and lateral (on the side) are all flat positions, which can make respiratory distress worse.

A resident with an obstructed airway

Correct! Wrong!

Choking occurs when food or an object is stuck in the trachea (windpipe or airway). A person who is choking cannot breathe or speak. They will automatically grasp their throat. Quick action is required. The Heimlich maneuver (abdominal thrusts) is used to dislodge the object. Do NOT perform the maneuver if the person is coughing forcefully and able to speak.

While assisting a resident with walking, the resident becomes faint and begins to fall. The nurse aide should

Correct! Wrong!

If a resident begins to fall while walking or standing, do not try to catch them or prevent the fall. Call for help. Control the fall by easing them to the floor. This prevents injury to both the resident and the nurse aide. It also allows you to protect the resident’s head from hitting the floor or an object. Stay with the resident until help arrives.

When a patient who has been dizzy is showering, you should

Correct! Wrong!

Showers and baths present a risk for falls. If there is any doubt about a patient’s ability to maintain balance, use a shower chair. Sitting in a chair lets the patient be safe while enjoying the warm spray. Before having the patient sit, make sure the shower chair is clean and sturdy. The patient’s feet should be able to touch the floor.

A nurse aide walks into a room and sees that the patient is unconscious. The first thing the aide does is to

Correct! Wrong!

If you find a patient who is unconscious or unresponsive, do NOT immediately begin CPR. First “shake and shout” by calling their name and asking if they can hear you or to open their eyes. If they do not respond, call the Code Team, lower the head of the patient’s bed, and begin compressions. Even if they do respond, notify the nurse immediately.

A patient complains of pain. The CNA should

Correct! Wrong!

As the CNA, your patients will often tell you first about their pain. It is beyond the scope of CNA practice to give a medication, but appropriate to report it to the nurse. The nurse can talk to the patient about the pain and give medication or notify the doctor.

If a resident is vomiting in bed, position them immediately in the

Correct! Wrong!

Sitting is the best way to prevent aspiration. The contents of the stomach have less of a chance to enter the lungs when a resident is in an upright position.

What is the CNA’s responsibility after calling a Code Blue?

Correct! Wrong!

As a CNA, you must call for help, get the patient into a flat position, and begin CPR. When the Code Blue team arrives, allow them to take over. Be available for any requests, such as documenting the code, getting equipment, keeping the area clear, taking blood to the lab, or making phone calls.

While giving a bedbath, the nurse aide hears the alarm from a nearby door suddenly go off. The nurse aide should ___________.

Correct! Wrong!

An unexpected door alarm could indicate that a resident has eloped and could be in danger. If possible, call for help from a team member. However, the nurse aide should not assume that someone else will follow up with the alarm. Pausing the bath and making sure their resident is safe before checking the door is appropriate.

Factors that increase a resident’s risk of falling include

Correct! Wrong!

As people age, their physical and medical conditions can lead to increased risks for falling. Muscle weakness, especially in the legs, is one of the most important risk factors. Medications, and the side effects, can cause dizziness or confusion. Sensory problems, such as numbness in the feet or foot pain increase the risk of falls. Other risk factors include poor vision, balance problems, and slow reflexes.

You must be especially careful about fire if the resident is receiving _______.

Correct! Wrong!

Oxygen “feeds” fires, because fire needs oxygen to continue burning. Normal air has 21% oxygen which can be serious in health care facilities. Areas where residents are on supplemental oxygen have 23.5% oxygen, which increases the intensity of the flames. If possible, turn off the oxygen supply, close windows and doors when evacuating residents.

Mrs. Jones has been throwing up for several days, unable to eat or drink. You find her in bed. She is pale, lethargic, and her eyes are dull. She is likely suffering from

Correct! Wrong!

Water makes up about 90% of blood. During an illness, replacing fluids lost by vomiting and diarrhea is extremely important to prevent dehydration. Severe dehydration can cause a drop in the blood volume, causing very low blood pressure.. The result is hypovolemic (low volume) shock, a medical emergency.

While helping an 86 year-old male resident get ready for bed, he tells you that he is tired of living and has been saving his pain pills. What should you do?

Correct! Wrong!

Studies show that depression is a common cause for suicide in the elderly. White males, age 85 years and older, are at the highest risk for suicide. Never dismiss a threat of suicide. Always notify your supervisor, so the resident can be evaluated and treated.

The first aid treatment for hemorrhage is to

Correct! Wrong!

Hemorrhaging (heavy bleeding) should be stopped as soon as possible. Use direct pressure on the wound, with a sterile bandage or clean cloth. Use your palm to press firmly. Maintain pressure by adding more layers of bandages and binding the wound with tape or cloth. Do not remove the bandages if bleeding continues; continue to add layers and keep pressing. Always call for help as you begin first aid.

A patient chokes while eating and is unable to cough or speak. The first thing the nurse aide should do is

Correct! Wrong!

A quick back slap can be tried, but if the food does not immediately dislodge, the nurse aide must quickly move to start abdominal thrusts. Abdominal thrusts (the Heimlich maneuver) is the best response to choking. Calling for assistance as you prepare to do abdominal thrusts will alert others of the emergency. Performing abdominal thrusts involves standing behind the client and using hands to exert upward pressure on the bottom of the diaphragm.

Free CNA Safety & Emergency Procedures Practice Test 2021

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