CNA Practice Test for Priorities and Priority Setting – 2

The CNA test is very different from the usual tests you take in school. This is because the test is designed to test your ability to apply knowledge to a practical situation. What this means is that the questions will test your ability to think on your feet. This is something that you need to practice so that you are able to think quickly in the testing environment. In this post, we will look at some valuable practice tests that will help you to do just that.

This is a timed quiz. You will be given 90 seconds per question. Are you ready?


When giving care to a resident which of his rights are you enforcing when you close the door or curtain before starting?

Correct! Wrong!

The resident has the right to privacy when receiving personal care.

How can you best assist a vision impaired resident to eat?

Correct! Wrong!

Using the face of a clock, you can describe the location of the foods, utensils and other items. This action fosters independence.

What step must be done before every procedure?

Correct! Wrong!

if there is no change from the previous day as per shift report, you do not need to check the care plan for every procedure. Documentation is done upon procedure completion. While introducing yourself is important, the most important procedure to ensure resident safety and infection control is proper hand washing before each procedure.

You have a new admission on your resident assignment. Which information should you make sure the resident is aware of?

Correct! Wrong!

The resident has many names and places to learn, but meeting physiologic needs such as toileting and knowing how to call for help will help ensure safety and security for the resident.

Verbal bullying, among school aged children, threatens which of Maslow's needs?

Correct! Wrong!

Verbal bullying, among school aged children, threatens the love and belonging needs of these young children. They want to be accepted by others as a member of their peer group. Bullying of all kinds is not acceptable.

You enter a resident's room to give her care. When you are standing next to her bed, you see a pill on the floor next to the bed. What should you do?

Correct! Wrong!

You should always wear gloves when handling unknown pills. You should try to have the resident identify the pill as it might be hers or someone else's. You should return it to the nurse so it can be discarded properly and the nurse can give a new dose if the pill is that resident's and needs to be given or charted as not given.

Your resident's family brought in 5 new blouses. Your action should now be to:

Correct! Wrong!

CNAs are responsible for ensuring residents' possessions do not get lost unnecessarily. New clothing must be labeled first. If the facility policy is that the laundry department does the labeling, the CNA should follow procedure and send the clothes for labeling.

You enter Ms. Harris' room and note her respirations are rapid and she is having trouble catching her breath. After notifying the nurse, you should:

Correct! Wrong!

Once you have notified the nurse, elevating the head of the bed may ease the work of breathing. Lowering the head may make breathing more difficult. Aim to increase resident comfort before offering or attempting another intervention.

You have six beds to strip and make. The nurse tells you one of your residents needs to be taken to the bathroom. You should:

Correct! Wrong!

Even if the workload is overwhelming, resident care comes first and it is the job of the CNA to assist residents with activities of daily living, such as toileting. If you need help with an assignment, notify the nurse.

Which of Maslow's needs is the LEAST priority?

Correct! Wrong!

Although self actualization needs are important, they are the least important in terms of priorities.

You are caring for a resident who is dying of cancer. He smells very bad and as a result his room smells bad. His visitors have complained about the smell and blamed it on bad housekeeping and his not being bathed. After you inform the nurse and ask her to talk to the family, what is your appropriate action?

Correct! Wrong!

After informing the nurse of the situation and having her talk to the family, the next step is to let housekeeping know and ask them for a bio-spray that can be used to kill the bacteria and minimize the odor. Keep the resident as clean as possible. Answer D is incorrect because the family does not wish to deal with environmental issues and may not accept that this is part of some cancer deaths. Answer A is incorrect because this is not the fault of housekeeping. Answer B is incorrect because it is insensitive to the resident and the visitors and is not practical.

You are serving trays in the dining room. You know that Mrs. Smith is a diabetic and that her diet calls for 2000 calorie ADA diet. The kitchen has put the following food items on her tray: mashed potatoes, apple juice, macaroni and cheese, meatloaf and a brownie. What should you do?

Correct! Wrong!

There may be a dietary error in this case. You must always check for the right person, the right tray and the right diet when serving trays. Since you have learned that diabetics need to restrict carbohydrates, sugar and starches, you should ask the dietitian is this is the correct plate for Mrs. Smith. The nurse needs to be made aware so he can watch for an elevated blood glucose. You must always check for the right person, the right tray and the right diet when serving trays.

RACE is the acronym for the things you must do in the case of a fire. What is the FIRST thing that you do if a fire breaks out?

Correct! Wrong!

RACE is Rescue, Alarm, Contain and Extinguish, if you can. The first thing you do is R. The first thing you do is to rescue all the people that are in immediate danger.

In your facility, the patient charts are kept in a cabinet by the patient's room. You see a family member go into the cabinet and read the patient's chart. The family member has a medical power of attorney for the patient. What type of violation is this?

Correct! Wrong!

There is likely no violation, HIPAA or otherwise, if this person, whether family or not, has medical power of attorney or legal patient representative status. If this is an authorized representative, it should not be a hospital policy issue.

Your patient is concerned about their health insurance and the costs associated with their hospital care. Which of Maslow's needs is your patient expressing?

Correct! Wrong!

Health and life insurance are examples of security needs

What type of footwear should a resident have on his or her feet when being transferred from a bed to a wheelchair?

Correct! Wrong!

The resident needs to have non-skid footwear on before you take any further action.

You are the CNA on the first floor. You have been informed in report that you will be receiving 3 new residents from the hospital this morning. Each resident is reported to be able to feed themselves, needing assistance to the bathroom and being admitted for rehabilitation. How can you best prepare for these admissions?

Correct! Wrong!

Find out the anticipated order of arrival of the new residents and prepare the rooms in between your regular duties so that each room will be ready when the new residents arrive. Place the vital signs machine in the room of the first arrival.

You notice the floor in the hall is wet from a food tray spill. Your next action should be to:

Correct! Wrong!

Safety is a major priority and wet floors are a hazard. Your job includes keeping residents safe. A towel can go unnoticed and be a tripping hazard, and not all residents will understand cautions. Remove the wet substance and the towel and housekeeping should complete the job.

Which of the following needs has the LEAST priority?

Correct! Wrong!

The lowest priority of all of these needs is reaching one's fullest potential (a self actualization need). The other needs in terms of priority are self esteem and esteem by others (awards or another form of recognition), then love and belonging (membership in a community group), followed by safety and security (healthy and satisfying relationships).

Of all the patient needs, which one is the GREATEST priority?

Correct! Wrong!

Of all the needs, the physical needs are of greatest priority. Within the physical needs, it is airway, then breathing and then cardiovascular function that have the greatest priority in that order. These are the ABCs of CPR.

What color is the cornea in a blue-eyed person?

Correct! Wrong!

The cornea is clear. It appears colored when it is over the iris or dark over the pupil.

While providing care for a resident, a co-worker enters the room to ask you a question unrelated to resident care. Your best response is to:

Correct! Wrong!

Discussing unrelated issues while providing care or interrupting resident care for a non-emergency sends the message to the resident that he or she is not important. You are being paid to take care of residents and should not allow interruptions or distractions unless absolutely necessary.

You are taking vital signs for a group of elderly residents. Which vital sign characteristic must be reported immediately because it is the greatest priority?

Correct! Wrong!

The greatest priority is the irregular pulse. All of the other vital sign characteristics are typically within normal limits and/or characteristic of elderly people.

The resident's vitals are 99 - 98 - 36. Which of these findings needs to be reported immediately to the nurse?

Correct! Wrong!

Vital signs are normally noted in the order of temperature, pulse, respirations. The normal range of respirations is 12- 24 breaths per minute. A respiratory rate of 36 should be reported to the nurse.

You are a CNA in a children's home. While you are bathing a severely mentally challenged girl you notice bruising in her perineal area. What should you do?

Correct! Wrong!

When you see bruising or other harm to a child in the perineal area, you must report it immediately to the nurse and document your observations. Answer B incorrect because you should only document your observations not your opinion. Answer C is incorrect as you have a chain of command and policy to follow.

Priorities and Priority Setting - 2

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