16 Tips to Keep Your Back Safe as a CNA

CNA have a tough job, and it’s not easy being on your feet all day. You are constantly lifting patients or equipment, and dealing with accidents that can cause serious injuries. If you’re tired of having to deal with back pain after work, here are 16 tips that will help keep your back safe as … Read more

16 Survival Tips for Night Shift CNA

CNAs work shifts that can last up to 8 hours or more, and nights are often the most difficult. The night shift is notoriously difficult for CNAs, who are tasked with caring for patients when few others are around. While there’s no guaranteed way to survive the night shift unscathed, these 16 tips will help … Read more

30 Tips for CNAs To Building Strong Work Relationships

It is always a good idea for nurses to build strong work relationships. Not only do they help with the day-to-day operations of a hospital, but they also ensure that patients are taken care of and receive the best possible treatment. Working as a team can be difficult at times, but it will make your … Read more

16 Tips for CNAs to Deal with Difficult Patients

If you’re a CNA, then you know that difficult patients are just part of the job. Sometimes it can be frustrating to deal with these patients because they often don’t understand or appreciate what nurses do for them. But there are things that you can do to make your work more manageable and less stressful. … Read more