9 Weight Loss Tips for Busy CNAs

Weight loss isn’t easy, but it doesn’t have to be as complicated as some people make it. Simply put: Burn more calories than you take in and your weight will drop off like magic! I don’t need to tell everyone reading this how important that is because most of the CNAs here are already well aware of what needs to happen for successful long-term weight management.

Sometimes, I swear that CNAs are like the Energizer bunny. They just keep on going and going! One thing you may not know about them is they have a habit of eating anywhere – even in front of other people if there’s no food left behind at their table. This can happen when we’re rushing past the cafeteria to use the restroom or grab something quickly from another table before it reaches its expiration time limit because all our patients need us right now with such urgency.

You have no idea how many calories you can put away with this type of indulgence. But don’t worry! We’re here to help and make it a cinch for you to lose weight, just do these few small lifestyle tweaks and your back in shape will be easy as pie.

Here are some tips to help you lose weight:

1. Don’t diet

You may have a tough time with your weight loss goal, but you can always find ways to make it work for you. If dieting isn’t working out for you and feeling hungry all the time is just making matters worse. We all have those days where we feel like there is no way to shake the pounds.

Instead of starving yourself, why not add some healthy foods into your diet? Healthy foods are often lower in calories and you’ll be much more satisfied than if you were trying to starve a few pounds off! With this improved lifestyle change, I’m sure that weight loss will soon follow suit…

Don’t be afraid to add fruits and vegetables that you really enjoy to your lunch box. Liven up those boring old sandwiches! Just keep a mindful eye on your total daily calories, of course.

2. Don’t workout

You don’t have to go on a workout every day. In fact, do other things that are good for your health instead such as walking the dog or strolling in the park. Working out can be a great way to stay in shape and feel good. But if the thought of going into your gym clothes is enough for you to quit, try doing something that sounds more fun!

Playing an instrument or being creative are two ways that might sound less daunting than throwing around weights all day long. The best thing about picking a hobby like this is getting better at it will make you happier which means sticking with it easier too!

3. Walk wherever possible

Walking is great exercise, and your body will thank you. It’s the perfect way to get outside, enjoy some fresh air and reconnect with yourself- all while getting in shape! If it gets too tough or if it’s during the winter season then taking dogs out along on your walks makes it even more amazing. Spend quality time walking around town together without worrying about how long each of them has been inactive because they’ll be tired after just one mile (even though that may not seem like much).

Exercise is the best way to fight depression and boost your endorphins. If you don’t have a safe neighborhood conducive to walking, try these tips for getting in some steps:

  • Park far away from other cars when at work or shopping so that you’re forced into more of an incline walk as opposed to just parking next door with no real exercise involved
  • Use stairs instead of elevators
  • Take a quick break during lunch (or even breakfast!) by going outside for 10 minutes
  • Get up every half hour from sitting on the couch watching TV
  • Try taking public transit whenever possible because it will force you onto your feet

Get a pedometer to keep track of your steps, (they have plenty of free phone apps now). Sometimes we forget how important it is to stay active and healthy. Just 30 minutes of walking daily can make all the difference in our health! If you’re like me, then sometimes you just don’t feel like exercising for an hour straight so try breaking up those 10-minute increments into parts throughout the day instead.

4. Consider doing yoga

You know that stress is a terrible thing for your health, right? You should take some time out of your day to decompress and do something good for yourself. Yoga is a great way to get your body and soul in alignment. It has been shown time and again that it can reduce stress, keep you fit, release tension from the muscles – all this makes for an overall better sense of well-being.

5. Eat less but more often

The best way to enjoy your food is by using a smaller plate and eating slowly. I found out the hard way that if you don’t pay attention, it’s easy to eat too much without realizing what has happened. That just makes me feel guilty! When we’re distracted like this, our stomachs can take up more space than necessary before we even know what’s happening! It takes about 20 minutes for us to realize that full feeling which gives plenty of time for overeating with distractions around.

Another way to eat less maybe by eating more often. Most people don’t realize that one of the reasons why we overeat is because our brains are tired and need something for their energy stores, so they send us hunger signals continuously until you’re just about ready to collapse from exhaustion. Eating smaller portions without feeling deprived or hungry can help keep your blood sugar levels stable in a better range than when you consume large amounts once every few hours.

Switch to low-calorie drinks, add fiber in your diet and you’re sure to feel satisfied. Also, try Stevia! It’s a natural sugar substitute that can be found almost anywhere now with little aftertaste at all. If you hate low-calorie substitutes, try mixing soda water with your favorite drink. If you mix it half-and-half, you will still get the flavor for fewer calories! I like to do this by making a mixture of orange juice and grapefruit juice with just one part of apple cider vinegar added in as well.

6. Drink water

Drinking water before eating is one of the most important things you can do to help your stomach feel fuller, sooner. You should drink a glass of water at least 15 minutes before any meal and this will actually trick your brain into thinking that it’s full when really there is plenty more room for food!

Drinking lots of fluids like water helps us feel better all over because our body relies on hydration in order to function properly. Drinking too little fluid also causes constipation which can lead to other health problems if left untreated.

Also, adding some lemon juice into that first cup can help curb appetite by helping stimulate production of hormones related to hunger suppression as well as giving us an added boost for fighting cravings with its vitamin C content!

7. Slow down at eating

Slow down and enjoy your food. It’s not a race and the food won’t disappear if you don’t finish quickly enough! In fact, taking your time will help with digestion because when we eat faster than normal our stomach doesn’t have as much chance for all that good stuff to get absorbed by our body before everything hits at once.

8. Share food

It’s a bummer when you order out and the food is too much for just one person. Fortunately, there are some simple ways to avoid this: try splitting your meal with a friend or ask if they can provide take-out boxes before it arrives at your table!

I’ve seen people put salt on their food just so they don’t eat as much of the dish that was ordered! That sounds a little extreme for me and something I would never do myself. However, if it works for them then whatever helps right?

9. Skip commercials, take a ride

If you’re an avid TV viewer, then do your workouts while the commercial breaks. You’ll not only get a quick workout in but also break up the monotony of sitting on your butt all day long!

Hope you have found our tips useful. Good luck with your weight loss journey as a busy CNA.