The role of a caregiver is to help those who need it, but that can mean dealing with difficult people, sometimes very demanding work schedules and even dangerous situations.
It doesn’t have to be all about work though! Sometimes you just want something fun and easy for yourself. When you feel like you deserve a little break, remember these 10 best pets for CNAs. If you are ready to own an adorable pet or companion animal, here are our top picks. They will be perfect for your hectic schedule!
1. Rabbits

Rabbits are great for people who want a cute pet but don’t have much time to take care of it. They’re pretty self-sufficient, only need their cages cleaned out once or twice a week, and can actually be trained to use litter boxes! If you do want a more interactive bunny, you might consider adopting a baby one because they love being held and petted by their keepers. Just make sure that you know what you’re doing before handling them for very long — rabbits can scratch or bite if they feel
3. Goldfish

Goldfish are often recommended as pets for children because they require just enough maintenance that kids learn how to take good care of an animal but not so much that it becomes too hard for them to handle. You can keep some goldfish in a small bowl and just change the water every day, and they will stay healthy and live for years.
4. Finches

Finches are very friendly birds that make great pets for children too! They don’t require any special care and actually benefit from having a friend (or two) to keep them company. If you like, you can also teach your finches to sing songs or talk! What’s more, if you want an even easier pet, there is always fish! Fish really don’t need much attention at all (just feeding), but they come in such a huge variety of species that it might take awhile for you to find your new favorite companion fish.
5. Cats

Cats are amazing companions who purr when they’re happy or content. Cats love their human keepers and enjoy being petted and played with by them as well as being given food to eat. While cats have a reputation of being aloof, they bond closely with those they trust and feel comfortable around. The main downside of owning a cat is that it’s necessary to clean the litter box regularly or risk stinking up the house.
6. Leopard Gecko

People who have had leopard geckos as pets rave about how interesting they are to watch as they hunt for food and run around their tanks. Leopard geckos love to eat mealworms, wax worms, crickets and other insects. It’s important that owners only buy the food from a pet store instead of catching it themselves because wild-caught insects can harbor parasites or make their lizards sick. The downside of having a leopard gecko is that they don’t like being petted very much, but this makes it easier on busy CNAs!
7. Guinea Pigs

Guinea pigs are adorable creatures who love being petted by their owners. They’re friendly enough that they won’t mind being handled by children at all, which makes them ideal family pets. They’ll also need to have their cages cleaned every once in a while, but they’re relatively low maintenance pets otherwise.
8. Parrot

There are many parrots that are very affectionate toward their owners. Parrots are known for mimicking human speech, but they can also imitate other creatures and make funny sounds to make you laugh. These pets require a large cage with high quality food, fresh fruits and vegetables. Owners will need to spend time cleaning the toys, perches, and feeding dishes each day. They should be handled often so they get used to being around people. While this pet is not recommended if you work long hours every day, it’s good for CNA’s who have flexible schedules or at least some down time during your shift!
9. Hedgehogs

Hedgehogs look adorable covered in quills, don’t they? And they are very easy to take care of too! They don’t need any special attention at all (other than feeding), but their spiky appearance will keep most potential predators away. It’s like having a walking pincushion as a pet!
10. Turtles

Turtles are a great entry-level pet for anyone who wants to have a soft, shelled animal without the commitment of taking care of something that needs to be fed every day. These little guys can go weeks without having any special attention from their owners at all! They just love basking in the sun and swimming around in water. So if you want to have a fun, interesting pet but don’t have much time or experience caring for one, turtles are your best bet.
All the best!
So what do you think? We hope that these 10 best pets will be perfect companions for you during your hectic CNA workload. Remember, it’s not just about work! If you can’t find any time to train or play with your precious new friend (or friends), then they aren’t really good pets in the first place. Just make sure that when choosing your new companion animal or pet, you consider all the factors that go into taking care of another living creature. Do your research first, and make sure that your potential pet is healthy and capable of living with you.
Best wishes! Keep reading! It only gets better from here.