When is CNA Week 2024?

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    Every year, CNA week is a time set aside to celebrate and recognize the important work that CNAs do all year long. This special week allows other healthcare providers, family members, friends of patients who are cared for by CNAs every day in hospitals or nursing homes across America to show their appreciation with gifts such as cards or flowers from local nurseries. It also gives us an opportunity to observe some wonderful things that they have done over the course of their careers spent caring for people at their most vulnerable moments – in times when we may need them more than ever before!

    CNA week is an annual event that takes place each June. The first day of the event begins on a Thursday and stretches to Saturday, marking 7 days total. Here are the official dates for CNA Week in the upcoming years.

    • 2024: June 13-19
    • 2025: June 12-18

    How Did CNA Week Start

    For the past 40 years, Certified Nursing Assistants have had a national day of appreciation followed by a week-long celebration. The CNA profession began in 1917 when nearly 8,000 nurses volunteered to serve under the Red Cross Program during World War I.

    These nurses proved themselves to be tireless advocates for the well-being of American soldiers, simultaneously proving themselves praiseworthy for their bravery and strength. They worked in triage in major areas to treat wounded soldiers as well as fill positions of acute care in reserve, field, base, and civilian hospitals all while serving alongside U.S Army Nurses.

    60 years after World War I, the CNA profession would experience a resurgence in popularity. In 1987, President Ronald Regan signed the Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1987 which increased funding for nursing homes nationwide and enabled more CNAs to provide care.

    How to Celebrate CNA Week

    There are many ways to show appreciation for the hard work that CNAs put in. Recognizing your employees can be a morale booster, and it also shows them you appreciate their effort!

    You could start by working on public recognition policies with supervisors or giving out awards when employee milestones have been reached, but there are other methods of showing respect as well – patients and family members should recognize CNA’s too.

    From cards written from people who’ve had good experiences with CNAs to acknowledging someone at an event where they’re recognized publicly; these all go towards making sure we never forget about how much our health care system relies on those who provide support every day.

    Below are a few ideas to celebrate CNA Week:

    • Motivate assistants on your staff by highlighting their accomplishments
    • Create a sense of unity through points of pride, like the award ceremony
    • Be a supportive employer and show your appreciation to them
    • Offer training resources for CNAs so they can continue to grow professionally

    The CNA week is an opportunity for us to express gratitude and appreciation towards the CNAs that dedicate their lives caring for our loved ones. But, The work they do doesn’t just happen in one week or a few days, it happens each day of the year! So why not make them feel appreciated all throughout the entire year?