Editorial Policy

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The contents we publish here at Top Nurse are original content and all of the content topic idea generated by our staff. We may link our content to other sources but before that, we ensure that all the external link sources are nursing education expert and professionals. Each and every content we publish here are reviewed by our editorial staff.

Every content we publish here have to go through several approval steps. The content topic determines by our specific stuff, Next completed article need the approval of the editorial editor after reviewing the style of the writing, flow, grammar, readability. At the last step, the content moves from the editor to the publishing step.

We make sure the content is following our original editorial guideline and no third party will have control over it. If any third party contribute with us they may receive the attribution on “Author” section only. Top Nurse may publish sponsored content as demand. But, we only accept sponsored content if it’s accordance with our editorial guideline.