20 Time Management Tips for CNAs

CNAs are often faced with the challenge of balancing work-life balance, while still managing to provide quality care for their patients. This can be difficult because many nurses have long hours and demanding schedules. The following list includes 20 time management tips that CNAs can use in order to better manage their time so they can get more done in less time.

  1. Start with a to-do list – Nurses should make a list of all the tasks they need to complete for work and at home, as well as what needs to be done throughout their day.
  2. Be proactive – Try not to wait until the last minute before starting something new or making some type of change in your life. Instead, try taking charge and getting started early so you can save time later on when it is needed the most. Remove distractions – Nurses who find themselves frequently distracted will find it more difficult to complete tasks in a timely manner. Try removing distractions from your work space and be on alert for any potential interruptions that can take you away from what you are doing.
  3. Create reminders – Create reminders on your phone or computer for things you need to do. This will help you remember important tasks that must be completed.
  4. Use appsThere are many time management apps that can help make life easier for nurses like Remember the Milk, Todoist, Moments and Wunderlist.
  5. Prioritize tasks – Start by prioritizing all of your tasks from most important to least important. Make sure that each day is filled with work that needs to be done – but not crowded with too many things at once. Write down what needs to happen when and where you’ll need supplies or other resources before it’s time to start working on them. This way, you won’t waste any time trying to figure out what you need before starting a task.
  6. Break down big tasks – If there are any big tasks that seem overwhelming, break them down into smaller parts so they’re easier to manage and complete. Figure out how much time each step should take and then divide the bigger task up accordingly – including breaks for yourself throughout your day. You can even write it down on a calendar to get an idea of what your week will look like if you’re not used to setting aside time for breaks.
  7. Try not to multitask too much – While it might seem like a good idea to try and do several things at once, this will usually result in poor work quality. Instead of multitasking, you should choose one task that needs the most attention right now and complete it until it is finished before moving on to something else.
  8. Avoid distractions – Turn off the television when working on something important. Keep your cell phone away or silenced so you aren’t tempted to answer calls, texts, and other notifications. Try closing out of all the different programs on your computer screen when working – this will help keep you focused on what needs to be done instead of getting distracted by unimportant items that pop up throughout the day.
  9. Make your work area more comfortable – by using ergonomic furniture and lighting, or get rid of clutter that makes it hard to focus.
  10. Keep a time log – in order to understand how much time you spend on different activities; this will help make sure you’re getting enough rest and taking breaks as needed. If you discover that your schedule is too busy or full, try taking some time to see what items can be removed so you have more flexibility and free time throughout the day.
  11. Learn from others – You may not realize it, but there are plenty of other nurses out there willing to share their time management tips and tricks with you. Try joining a forum or contacting someone online who has more experience than you in this area so they can teach you what works best for them when it comes to balancing work-life balance while delivering quality care.
  12. Don’t be afraid to ask for help – if you’re feeling overwhelmed and there is too much work, don’t hesitate to speak with your employer or other nurses that you trust about what needs to get done. Chances are they will understand and might even be able to recommend a few tips of their own!
  13. Don’t be afraid of technology – You don’t have to completely rely on technology when it comes to time management, but there are plenty of apps that can help you keep track of your schedule and the tasks you need to complete. Look for something simple that works best with what kind of lifestyle you have so you’re not trying too hard to adapt your current routine around a new system.
  14. Get organized – Nurses are often on the go and may not have much time to sit down at their desk or work area. Try setting up little containers that you can easily take with you around your home, office, car – wherever it is you spend most of your time throughout each day. This way, if there’s anything new that needs attention (such as notes, small tasks to complete or other items) you’ll know exactly where to look.
  15. Take care of yourself – It’s important that nurses take care of themselves as well as the people they are caring for. If you start skipping meals or forgetting about taking short breaks throughout the day, you’ll get burnt out and feel like your work is never done. Try to schedule in time for yourself and take care of any errands or other responsibilities that need attention throughout the week so they don’t pile up while you’re working on more important tasks.
  16. Stay positive – While it might seem difficult at times when there are a lot of tasks on your list, staying positive about it will help motivate you to get things done. Try to complete one task at a time, set attainable goals for yourself throughout the day and try not to get overwhelmed by everything you have on your plate.
  17. Don’t be afraid of silence – It’s important for nurses to learn how not get too caught up in the needs and concerns of others that they forget about their own wants and emotional health. Try carving out a little time each day when you can truly relax and do something you enjoy without any distractions or interruptions. This way, when it is time to go back to work again your mind will be refreshed and ready for the tasks ahead of you.
  18. Take short naps when possible – Not everyone is able to take a full nap throughout the day, but you can still fit in short 20-30 minute power naps whenever possible. This will refresh your mind and give you that extra boost of energy when it comes time for another shift or difficult task at hand.
  19. Take breaks – Nurses often have demanding schedules, so taking short breaks throughout the day is important if they want to stay focused on their job duties.
  20. Don’t try too hard – If at first none of these tips seem like they’re working for you, don’t try too hard to force them into your routine. You may need to try something else or come up with a completely different way of managing your time in order for it all to feel natural and comfortable again. Don’t forget that you’re the expert when it comes to yourself – so follow what works best for you instead of trying too hard to make other people’s ideas work for you.

The most important thing for nurses to remember is that they are the expert when it comes to their needs and what works best in order to get things done. Try out a few of these time management tips, but don’t be afraid to leave something out if you’re not comfortable with trying it. In addition, try finding ways on your own that work best for you so that when it comes to the workday, you’ll be able to breeze through your tasks in no time.